
Academic Progress Policy

1-3 Day Courses:
Students will be evaluated daily on qualitative factors through skill lists and practical skill evaluations. Students are required to maintain a satisfactory standing in the class each day.
Progress reports will be given weekly for programs and daily for shorter classes, 100% attendance is required in order for certifications of completion to be granted. In order to maintain satisfactory standing, students must have 100% attendance (or make up all missed hours) and meet minimum academic requirements.

Courses Longer than 3 Days:
Students are required to maintain a satisfactory standing in the class. If a student is not meeting satisfactory standards they will be placed on probation. The probationary period is not meeting more than 15 days and appropriate length is determined by course length and progress in the program. Termination from the program will occur at the Director's discretion if at the end of the probationary period the student is still not at a satisfactory standing in the class. The Director will notify the student of termination. Students must meet attendance and academic requirements to maintain satisfactory standing. Attendance must remain above 85% and academic grade point average must remain above 76%.

Grading System
Stand Alone Classes:
96 - 100 = A Excellent
86 - 95 = B Above Average
76 - 85 = C Average
66 - 75 = D Below Average
Under 66 = U Unsatisfactory
Grades will be verbally reported to students throughout the course or program and on transcripts after the course is completed.

Student Grievance Procedure
If a student should have a grievance with the school, please submit your grievance in writing and via email to Brandy Harris. The school takes all grievances seriously and each compliant will be reviewed by the owner and be resolved as swiftly as possible at the discretion of the school. Once your grievance is submitted via writing and email, it will be resolved within 30 business days.
Attempting to resolve any issue with the School first is strongly encouraged. Student Complaints may be brought to the attention of the Division of Private Occupational Schools online at http://highered.colorado.gov/dpos, 303-862-3001. There is a two-year statute of limitations for the Division to take action on a student complaint (from student's last day of attendance).